فعاليات متجدده وممتعه عبر صفحات منتدانا الغالي |
- قسم التربية والتعليم والكتب الالكترونية" مسآحة حـرهـ ~ | هنا المواضيع | العامة| التي | كل المواد العلمية والكتب الالكتروينة واللغات| |من هنا | وهناك | |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
قصة انجليزية قصيرة
An old man used to live in the village. He was one of the saddest and most painful people in the world. The whole village did not prefer working with him. He was always depressed, always complaining and always in bad shape. The longer he continued his life, the more miserable he became and his words poisoned. People avoided him because his grief became contagious. It was unnatural to be hilarious with him. It creates a feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, when he turned 80, something unbelievable happened. Immediately all people began to hear a rumor: “This old man became happy one day, he did not complain about anything, always smiling, and even his face was funny.” The people of the whole village met. They asked the old man: What happened to you? “Nothing is different. Eighty years I have been chasing happiness away from me, and it was useless to me. Then I decided to live without this quest to keep it away from me and enjoy life. That is why I am happy now.”
11-07-2023 | #2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
رد: قصة انجليزية قصيرة
لـتكن لنا أرواح راقيــه ,, نتسـامى عن سفـاسف الأمـور وعـن كـل مـايخدش نـقائنـا ,, نحترم ذاتنا ونـحتـرم الغـير .. عنـدمـا نتحدث.. نتحـدث بِعمـق ونـطلب بـأدب .. ونشكر بـذوق ..ونـعتذر بِـصدق .. نتـرفـع عـن التفاهـات والقيـل والقـال نحب بـصمت.. ونغضب بـصمت وإن أردنا الـرحيل .. نرحـل بـصمت ....