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Direct Strcture Course -1-كورس قواعد (1)
Direct Strcture Course -1-كورس قواعد (1) Direct Structure Course تتشكل الكلمات من حروف الهجاء Lettersالحروف رقم N0 الحروف الكبيرة Capita letters الحروف الصغيرة Small letters رقم N0 الحروف الكبيرة Capital letters الحروف الصغيرة Small letters 1 A a 14 N n 2 B b 15 O o 3 C c 16 P p 4 D d 17 Q q 5 E e 18 R r 6 F f 19 S s 7 G g 20 T t 8 H h 21 U u 9 I i 22 V v 10 J j 23 W w 11 K k 24 X x 12 L l 25 Y y 13 M m 26 Z Z الحروف نوعان a)-Consonants الحروف الساكنة: b)-Vowels :الحروف المتحركة b – c – d – f – g – h - j - k - l - m -n ( a, e, i ,o ,u ) p - q - r - s - t - v - w - x - y - z Capital letters are used :تستعمل الحروف الكبيرة في المواضع التالية - في أول الجملةHe is my brother. - في أول أسماء الأشخاص - Salem- Mary - Ahmad - في أول أسماء البلدان - France – America - Kuwait - في أول أسماء المدن - Cairo – Beirut- Salmiya London - في أول أسماء الشوارع Gulf Street – Fahd Al Salem Street ٍ - في أول أسماء الألقاب Dr.- Mr. - Miss - Mrs. - في أول أسماء اللغات Arabic – English - French - في أول أسماء الأيامSaturday – Sunday – Monday – Tuesday - في أول أسماء الشهور January – February – March – April - PARTS OF SPEECHأنواع الكلمات 1)-NOUNS الأسماء Singular :الاسم المفرد Plural :الاسم الجمع A book books A cat cats A dog +s dogs A hat hats A lamp lamps A table tables An apple apples An orange oranges An Arab +s Arabs An eye eyes Irregular Pluralsالجمع غير النظامي Singularالمفرد Pluralالجمع A man men A woman women A child children A foot feet A goose geese A louse lice A tooth teeth A mouse mice An ox oxen Uncountable Nouns أسماء ليس لها جمع عادة Examples: Salt - sugar - rice - powder - tea - coffee - oil - butter Flour - milk - money - air - gas - petrol - iron - glass - plastic Sheep - fish - deer….etc. ( liquid or fine “ powder” ) A)-Words used with countable nouns: كلمات تستعمل مع أسماء الجمع many - few – a few - a number of - a lot of - some - ten , etc. B)-Words used with uncountable nouns :كلمات تستخدم مع أسماء لا تجمع much - little - some - plenty of - a sum of - a box of - a packet of – a lot of , etc. Articles الأدوات Indefinite articles:أداتا التنكير Definite Article:أداة التعريف a+an>singular countable noun only. the > singular or plural examples: a man / an egg Countable or uncountable examples :The book The books The milk The sugar Personal Pronounsالضمائر الشخصية Subject ضمائر الفاعل ( في أول الجملة ) Object ضمائر المفعول به ( بعد الفعل / حرف الجر ) Singularمفرد Plural جمع Singularمفرد Plural جمع I We Me us You You You you He They Him them She They Her them It They It them ضمائر الملكية Possessive adjectives صفات الملكية( قبل الاسم الموصوف) Possessive Pronouns ضمائر الملكية(لا يذكر معها الاسم الموصوف) Singularمفرد Plural جمع Singularمفرد Plural جمع My father our father mine ours Your book your books yours yours His hair their hair his theirs Her dress their dresses hers theirs Its tail their tails its theirs The Reflexive Pronouns الضمائرالانعكاسية The Demonstrative Pronounsضمائر الإشارة Singularمفرد Plural جمع Singularمفرد Plural جمع myself ourselves This These yourself yourselves That Those himself themselves ضمائر أخرى herself themselves one ones itself themselves some, other, others, the first, the latter ..etc. ضمائر الوصل whoالذي , التي,الذين whose الذي whom الذي Whichالتي , الذي that الذي , التي whereحيث when عندما PREPOSITIONSحروف الجر to - from - at - in - on - over - up - down - after - before -for – by with…..etc . Example : Hamad went from Kuwait to Jahra on foot. ADJECTIVES ( short )الصفات القصيرة Ordinaryعادية Comparativeمقارنة Superlativeتفضيل tall taller (than) (the) tallest short shorter shortest high higher highest long longer longest wide wider widest rich richer richest poor +er poorer +est poorest cheap cheaper cheapest narrow narrower narrowest light lighter lightest heavy heavier heaviest fast faster fastest slow slower slowest Examples : Ali is tall. Sami is taller than Ali. Ahmad is the tallest boy. ADJECTIVES ( long )الصفات الطويلة Ordinary عادية Comparativeمقارنة Superlative تفضيل beautiful more beautiful(than) (the)most beautiful interesting more………….. the most……….. wonderful more………….. the most……….. fantastic more………….. the most……….. expensive more………….. the most……….. possible more………….. the most……….. Examples : This is a beautiful picture. That picture is more beautiful than the first one. Here is the most beautiful picture in the album . ADJECTIVES ( Irregular)الصفات غير النظامية Ordinaryعادية Comparativeمقارنة Superlativeتفضيل 1.good better ( than ) ( the )best 2.well better………. …… best 3.bad worse ……… ……..worst 4.much more ………. …… most 5.little less ……….. …… least 6.far farther…….. ……farthest further…….. ……furthest Examples :1. Bill is a bad boy. 2. Tim is worse than Bill. 3. Jack is the worst boy in the class. ENGLISH VERBSالأفعال الإنجليزية Some Regular Verbsبعض الأفعال النظامية ( القياسية ) و هي كل الأفعال ما عدا الشاذة منها No Infinitive أصل الفعل Past الماض Past P. التصريف الثالث No Infinitive أصل الفعل Past الماض Past P. التصريف الثالث walkيمشي walked walked washيغسل washed washed visit يزور visited visited watchيراقب watched watched Play يلعب played played postيرسل بالبريد posted posted Pray يصلي prayed prayed rainتمطر rained rained paintيرسم painted painted cleanينظف cleaned cleaned openيفتح opened opened closeيغلق closed closed ask يسأل asked asked fixيثبت- يصلح fixed fixed killيقتل killed killed9 repairيصلح repaired repaired huntيصطاد hunted hunted rentيستأجر rented rented enterيدخل entered entered hireيستأجر hired hired coverيغطي covered covered 1.a) I walk to school every day. b) I walked to school yesterday. c) I have walked from here to Kuwait Towers. الأفعال الشاذة ( اللاقياسية ) THE MOST COMMON IRREGULAR ENGLISH VERBS No Present Past Past Part. No Present Past Past Part. am,is are was ,were,been يكون lightيشعل,يضئ lit Lit loseيضيع lost Lost beat يضرب beat beaten makeيصنع made made become يصبح became become meanيعني meant meant beginيبدأ began begun meetيقابل met met bend ينحني bent bent misleadيضل misled misled betيراهن bet bet mistakeيخطئ mistook mistaken bindيربط bound bound overcomeيتغلبعلى overcame overcome biteيعض bit bitten Overtake يتجاوز overtook overtaken bleedينـزف bled bled payيدفع(ثمن) paid paid blowينفخ, يهب blew blown putيضع put put breakيكسر broke broken readيقرأ read read breedيربي bred bred rebuildيعـيد بناء rebuilt rebuilt rideيركب rode ridden broadcastيذيع broadcast broadcast ringيرن rang rung buildيبني built built Riseينهض ,يشرق rose risen burstينفجر burst burst runيركض ran run buyيشتري bought bought sayيقول said said castيرمي cast Cast seeيرى saw seen catchيمسك caught caught sellيبيع sold sold chooseيختار chose chosen sendيرسل sent sent shakeيهز shook shaken costيكلف cost cost shootيطلق(النار) shot shot creepيزحف crept crept shutيغلق shut shut cutيقطع cut cut sinkيغرق sank sunk dealيتعامل dealt dealt sitيجلس sat sat digيحفر dug dug sleepينام slept slept doيفعل did done slideينـزلق slid slid drawيسحب drew drawn smellيشم smelt smelt drinkيشرب drank drunk speakيتكلم spoke spoken driveيسوق drove driven spendينفق,يقضي spent spent eatيأكل ate eaten spillيريق spilt spilt fallيسقط fell fallen spinيدور span spun feedيطعم fed fed spitيبصق spat spat feelيشعر felt felt splitينشق split split fightيقاتل fought fought spreadينتشر spread spread findيجد found found Springيقفز sprang sprung flyيطيـر flew flown standيقف stood stood forgetينسى forgot forgotten stealيسرق stole stolen forgiveيسامح forgave forgiven stickيلصق stuck stuck freezeيتجمد froze frozen stingيقرص stung stung getيحصل على got got strikeيضرب struck struck giveيعطي gave given striveيناضل strove striven goيذهب went gone swearيحلف swore sworn grindيطحن ground ground swellيتورم swelled swollen growيزرع.ينمو grew grown swimيسبح swam swum have,hasيملك had had takeيأخذ took taken hearيسمع heard heard teachيعلم taught taught hideيختبئ يخفي hid hidden Tearيمـزق tore torn hitيضرب hit hit tellيخبر told told holdيمسك held held thinkيفكر thought thought hurtيؤذي hurt hurt throwيرمي threw thrown keepيحفظ kept kept treadيدوس trod trodden kneelيركع knelt knelt understandيفهم understood understood knowيعرف knew known undertakeيتعهد undertook undertaken upsetيزعج upset upset leadيقود led led wakeيوقظ,يستيقظ woke woken leaveيترك left left wearيلبس wore worn lendيعير,يقترض lent lent weepيبكي wept wept letيدع .يترك let let winيكسب won won lieيستلقي lay lain writeيكتب wrote written The anomalous Verbs الأفعال الخاصة ( المساعدة ) Infinitive أصل الفعل Present المضارع Past الماضي Past Participle التصريف الثالث 1.Do يفعل do - does did Done 2.be يكون am - is - are was – were been 3.have يملك have - has had had 4.shall -willسوف shall - will should - would 5.canيستطيع can could 6.mayيمكن may might 7.mustيجب must = ( had to ) 8.ought (to)ينبغي ought Sentence buildingبناء الجملة الإنجليزية تكملة الجملة الفعل الفاعل المفعول به الفعل الفاعل A)Subject - verb - object . ( OR ) B)Subject - verb -complement Ali likes milk . Fahd is my brother. |
12-11-2010 | #2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
رد: Direct Strcture Course -1-كورس قواعد (1)